For E-card holders, from 1 June 2022, the insurance providers are no longer permitting sick leave ceritificates based on telemedical consultations. To obtain a sick leave certificate, you must come to the practice.
Dear patients!
Due to the increased number of consultations during office hours we are no longer able to take your repeat prescription orders per telephone.
To simplify the workflow and shorten the waiting times for our patients we can offer the repeat prescription order per email (or per written notice which you can put in the mail box in front of the entrance door).
We strive to process your orders within 24 hours. If you have placed your order on weekend or during holidays, you can pick the medication up in the pharmacy the day after the first working day since making your order.
Due to the increased number of consultations during office hours we are no longer able to take your repeat prescription orders per telephone.
To simplify the workflow and shorten the waiting times for our patients we can offer the repeat prescription order per email (or per written notice which you can put in the mail box in front of the entrance door).
We strive to process your orders within 24 hours. If you have placed your order on weekend or during holidays, you can pick the medication up in the pharmacy the day after the first working day since making your order.
Laut Beschluss der Krankenversicherungen ist ab 1. Juli 2021 eine Krankmeldung per Telefon/Email nur bei COVID Verdacht möglich. Ebenso sind Patientenkonsultationen ab 1. Juli persönlich, in der Ordination durchzuführen, eine telemedizinische Konsultation ist nur in Ausnahmefällen möglich. Diese Regelung betrifft alle Konsultationen ausser Dauermedikationbestellungen, die telefonisch oder online noch möglich sind.
According to the most recent decision of the social insurance carriers is a the issuing of a sick leave certificate from 1 July 2021 possible only in the practice. Sick leave per telephone and email is reserved exclusively for suspected COVID infection. Further, from 1 July telemedicine consultations are only possible as an exception. All consultations have to be done personally, in the practice, except for repeat prescription orders, which can still be made per email or telephone.
According to the most recent decision of the social insurance carriers is a the issuing of a sick leave certificate from 1 July 2021 possible only in the practice. Sick leave per telephone and email is reserved exclusively for suspected COVID infection. Further, from 1 July telemedicine consultations are only possible as an exception. All consultations have to be done personally, in the practice, except for repeat prescription orders, which can still be made per email or telephone.
Liebe Patienten, wir nehmen keine Vormerkungen mehr für die Covid Impfungen an. Die Lieferungen an Hausärzte sind leider nicht gesichert und die Impftermine dadurch schwer zu planen. Die Stadt Wien wird hoffentlich bald die Impfung für alle ermöglichen.
Dear Patients, we no longer accept the registrations for the Covid vaccines. The deliveries of the vaccines to the GPs are not guaranteed and thus the vaccinations in the practices difficult to plan. We hope, as the representatives of the city of Vienna assure, that the vaccines via will soon be available for everyone.
Dear Patients, we no longer accept the registrations for the Covid vaccines. The deliveries of the vaccines to the GPs are not guaranteed and thus the vaccinations in the practices difficult to plan. We hope, as the representatives of the city of Vienna assure, that the vaccines via will soon be available for everyone.
Am Montag haben wir die erste Lieferung des Covid Impfstoffs von Astra Zeneca geliefert bekommen, und hoffen, dass die Ordinationen auch weiterhin beliefert werden. Wenn Sie sich für eine Impfung bei uns vormerken möchten, schreiben Sie uns oder rufen Sie an.
On Monday we received the first delivery of Astra Zeneca vaccine and hope that we will continue to receive vaccines for our patients. If you wish to register for a Covid vaccination in our practice, send us an email or call.
On Monday we received the first delivery of Astra Zeneca vaccine and hope that we will continue to receive vaccines for our patients. If you wish to register for a Covid vaccination in our practice, send us an email or call.
Sehr geehrte Patienten, wir bitten um Verständnis, dass aufgrund des erhöhten Patientenaufkommens während COVID-19 Pandemie, nur Emails mit Rezeptbestellungen und Terminanfragen bearbeitet werden können. Für alle anderen Anliegen ist eine persönliche Konsultation mit Termin notwendig, außer bei Notfällen. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie die online Terminbuchung nutzen:
Dear patients, due to the COVID pandemic we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of patients. Therefore, we can currently only answer emails with repeat prescription order or appointment requests. For all other types of consultations (except emergencies) please make an appointment for a personal consultation. Thank you for your understanding. We also recommend to use the online booking tool on our website:
Postovani pacijenti, radi pandemije COVID-19 imamo znacajno povecan priljev pacijenata. Stoga molimo za razumijevanje da mozemo odgovoriti samo na e-mail poruke kojima trazite ponavljane recepte i termine. Za sve ostale konzultacije (osim hitnih slucajeva) molimo da napravite termin za osobnu konzultaciju. Termin mozete napraviti i sami putem nase web stranice:
Dear patients, due to the COVID pandemic we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of patients. Therefore, we can currently only answer emails with repeat prescription order or appointment requests. For all other types of consultations (except emergencies) please make an appointment for a personal consultation. Thank you for your understanding. We also recommend to use the online booking tool on our website:
Postovani pacijenti, radi pandemije COVID-19 imamo znacajno povecan priljev pacijenata. Stoga molimo za razumijevanje da mozemo odgovoriti samo na e-mail poruke kojima trazite ponavljane recepte i termine. Za sve ostale konzultacije (osim hitnih slucajeva) molimo da napravite termin za osobnu konzultaciju. Termin mozete napraviti i sami putem nase web stranice:
"Als Grund gab die Ärztekammer an, die benötigten Impfdosen seien noch nicht angekommen. Eine Lieferung der Impfdosen in ein zentrales Lager der Stadt Wien wird jetzt für Mittwoch geplant, damit am nächsten Montag in den ersten Arztpraxen geimpft werden kann..."
"Als Grund gab die Ärztekammer an, die benötigten Impfdosen seien noch nicht angekommen. Eine Lieferung der Impfdosen in ein zentrales Lager der Stadt Wien wird jetzt für Mittwoch geplant, damit am nächsten Montag in den ersten Arztpraxen geimpft werden kann..."
Weil es immer mehr Fragen gibt - nein, Hausärzte können leider noch nicht gegen COVID-19 impfen. Hoffentlich wird sich das ändern wenn mehr Impfstoffe da sind.
Because you asked: no, GPs cannot vaccinate against COVID-19 yet. We hope that will change as more vaccines become available.
Because you asked: no, GPs cannot vaccinate against COVID-19 yet. We hope that will change as more vaccines become available.
Liebe Patienten,
ab heute, 18.01.2021 können Sie sich bei für eine Corona Impfung anmelden. Entgegen einigen kursierenden Fehlinformationen, können Hausärzte derzeit nicht impfen, da noch keine Impfstoffe für Arztpraxen vorhanden sind. Hausärzte können auch keinen Einfluß auf die Reihenfolge der Impfungen von verschiedenen Risikogruppen oder Priorisierung ausüben. Sobald sich in dieser Hinsicht etwas ändert werde ich Sie umgehend hier, und auf meiner Facebook Seite, informieren.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier und hier.
Dear Patients,
from today, 18.01.2021 you can register for a Corona vaccination via . Despite some misleading Information, GPs are currently not able to vaccinate against Corona because there are no vaccines available for the practices. Please also be aware that GPs can neither influence the prioritisation of different patient groups nor the sequence of vaccination according to risk categorization. As soon as I get any updates with regards to administration of vaccinations in the practice I will inform you here, and via my Facebook account. Please find more information here and here.
ab heute, 18.01.2021 können Sie sich bei für eine Corona Impfung anmelden. Entgegen einigen kursierenden Fehlinformationen, können Hausärzte derzeit nicht impfen, da noch keine Impfstoffe für Arztpraxen vorhanden sind. Hausärzte können auch keinen Einfluß auf die Reihenfolge der Impfungen von verschiedenen Risikogruppen oder Priorisierung ausüben. Sobald sich in dieser Hinsicht etwas ändert werde ich Sie umgehend hier, und auf meiner Facebook Seite, informieren.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier und hier.
Dear Patients,
from today, 18.01.2021 you can register for a Corona vaccination via . Despite some misleading Information, GPs are currently not able to vaccinate against Corona because there are no vaccines available for the practices. Please also be aware that GPs can neither influence the prioritisation of different patient groups nor the sequence of vaccination according to risk categorization. As soon as I get any updates with regards to administration of vaccinations in the practice I will inform you here, and via my Facebook account. Please find more information here and here.
Ab dem 1. November (und voraussichtlich bis März 2021) is wieder eine Krankmeldung auf basis einer telemedizinischen Konsultation möglich.
From 1 November (and likely until March 2021) we can again issue sick leave certificates based on a telemedical consultation.
From 1 November (and likely until March 2021) we can again issue sick leave certificates based on a telemedical consultation.
Update 3.11.2020
Liebe Patienten, aufgrund der aktuellen Empfehlungen bleibt die Ordination heute geschlossen. Wir sind telefonisch und per Email weiterhin erreichbar.
Dear patients, in accordance with current recommendations, the practice will remain closed today. You can reach us per telephone or email.
Liebe Patienten, aufgrund der aktuellen Empfehlungen bleibt die Ordination heute geschlossen. Wir sind telefonisch und per Email weiterhin erreichbar.
Dear patients, in accordance with current recommendations, the practice will remain closed today. You can reach us per telephone or email.
Liebe Patienten!
Grippeimpfstoffe erwarten wir Anfang/Mitte Oktober. Sobald sie eintreffen, werden gesonderte Impftermine angeboten, die Sie online und telefonisch buchen können.
Dear patients!
Flu vaccines are expected in the early/mid October. As soon as they arrive we will be offering extra time slots for vaccination, which you will be able to book online and per telephone.
Grippeimpfstoffe erwarten wir Anfang/Mitte Oktober. Sobald sie eintreffen, werden gesonderte Impftermine angeboten, die Sie online und telefonisch buchen können.
Dear patients!
Flu vaccines are expected in the early/mid October. As soon as they arrive we will be offering extra time slots for vaccination, which you will be able to book online and per telephone.
Liebe Patienten!
Dear patients!
- Ab dem 1.9.2020 können die Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen für ÖGK Patienten nicht mehr über Telefon/E-Mail ausgestellt werden.
- Weiterhin ist es zwingend notwendig einen Termin für jeden Ordinationsbesuch zu vereinbaren.
- Die Ordination ist nur mit Mundschutz und nach Händedesinfektion zu betreten.
- Patienten mit Fieber, Husten, und anderen Symptomen einer möglichen Covid Erkrankung müssen das Vorgehen telefonisch mit uns abklären.
- Um notwendigen Abstand zu halten, können sich nur wenige Patienten gleichzeitig in der Ordination aufhalten. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass Sie deshalb, unter Umständen, draußen warten müssen.
Dear patients!
- From 01.09.2020 sick leave certificates for ÖGK patients can no longer be issued per email/telephone.
- It is still necessary to book your appointment prior to coming to the practice (telephone/email/online).
- You can only enter the practice with a mask, and after disinfecting your hands.
- Patients with fever, cough and other possible Covid-19 symptoms must call the practice and discuss the procedure prior to coming to the practice.
- In order to keep the necessary distance between patients, only a certain number of patients can be in the practice at the same time. We kindly ask for your understanding if you, for this reason, have to wait outside of the practice until it is safe to enter.
Dear patients,
we have the green light from the medical chamber to allow more patients in the practice. From next Monday, 20. April we will start performing regular consultations, health checks, blood tests and vaccinations again.
We kindly ask you to keep:
Dragi pacijenti,
Dobili smo zeleno svjetlo od lijecnicke komore da dopustimo veci broj pacijenata u ordinaciji. Od slijedeceg ponedjeljka, 20. travnja, ponovno pocinjemo sa regularnim pregledima, sistematskim pregledima, vadjenjem krvi i cijepljenjem.
Ljubazno Vas molimo da i dalje:
we have the green light from the medical chamber to allow more patients in the practice. From next Monday, 20. April we will start performing regular consultations, health checks, blood tests and vaccinations again.
We kindly ask you to keep:
- Making appointments per telephone, and
- Ordering prescriptions, referrals and similar per Email or phone.
Dragi pacijenti,
Dobili smo zeleno svjetlo od lijecnicke komore da dopustimo veci broj pacijenata u ordinaciji. Od slijedeceg ponedjeljka, 20. travnja, ponovno pocinjemo sa regularnim pregledima, sistematskim pregledima, vadjenjem krvi i cijepljenjem.
Ljubazno Vas molimo da i dalje:
- prije dolaska u ordinaciju napravite termin telefonom, i
- nastavite narucivati recepte, uputnice i slicno emailom i telefonom.
Liebe Patienten,
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit. Trotz Herausforderungen tun wir was in unserer Macht ist, um die Primärversorgung aufrechtzuerhalten.
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation. We are doing our utmost to sustain the primary care during these challenging circumstances.
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju. Uprkos otezanim uvjetima rada, cinimo sve sto je u nasoj moci da odrzimo primarnu zdravstvenu zastitu.
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit. Trotz Herausforderungen tun wir was in unserer Macht ist, um die Primärversorgung aufrechtzuerhalten.
- Sie können nur nach telefonischer Voranmeldung die Ordination besuchen (01 7105532). Tragen Sie bitte eine Maske.
- Krankmeldungen werden telefonisch durchgeführt.
- Medikamente: für die Dauer der Pandemie können Medikamentenverordnungen auch nach telefonischer Kontaktaufnahme erfolgen. Die Abholung in der Apotheke erfordert nicht mehr unbedingt ein Papierrezept. Die Medikamente können in den Apotheken auch an andere Personen, sofern sie Namen und die SV-Nummer des Patienten/der Patientin kennen, abgegeben werden.
- Hausbesuche nur nach telefonischer Absprache..
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation. We are doing our utmost to sustain the primary care during these challenging circumstances.
- You can only visit the practice after making an appointment by telephone (01 7105532). Please wear a mask when entering the practice.
- Sick leave certificates can now be issued via a telephone call to the practice.
- Prescriptions can also be issued per request per telephone or email and electronically sent to a pharmacy.
- Home visits only after telephone consultation..
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju. Uprkos otezanim uvjetima rada, cinimo sve sto je u nasoj moci da odrzimo primarnu zdravstvenu zastitu.
- Posjete ordinaciji bez telefonske najave nisu moguće. Tel. 01 7105532. Pri ulasku u ordinaciju nosite masku.
- Bolovanja se do daljnjega mogu zatražti i dobiti putem telefona.
- Recepti se takodjer mogu zatražiti putem telefona ili emaila i lijekovi podignuti direktno u apoteci.
- Kućne posjete samo nakon telefonske konzultacije..
Liebe Patienten,
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit. Trotz Herausforderungen tun wir was in unserer Macht ist, um die Primärversorgung aufrechtzuerhalten.
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation. We are doing our utmost to sustain the primary care during these challenging circumstances.
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju. Uprkos otezanim uvjetima rada, cinimo sve sto je u nasoj moci da odrzimo primarnu zdravstvenu zastitu.
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit. Trotz Herausforderungen tun wir was in unserer Macht ist, um die Primärversorgung aufrechtzuerhalten.
- Ab sofort können Sie nur nach telefonischer Voranmeldung die Ordination besuchen (01 7105532).
- Alle nicht absolut notwendige Konsultationen müssen verschoben werden.
- Krankmeldungen werden telefonisch durchgeführt.
- Medikamente: für die Dauer der Pandemie können Medikamentenverordnungen auch nach telefonischer Kontaktaufnahme erfolgen. Die Abholung in der Apotheke erfordert nicht mehr unbedingt ein Papierrezept. Die Medikamente können in den Apotheken auch an andere Personen, sofern sie Namen und die SV-Nummer des Patienten/der Patientin kennen, abgegeben werden.
- Hausbesuche sind derzeit auch nicht möglich.
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation. We are doing our utmost to sustain the primary care during these challenging circumstances.
- With immediate effect you can only visit the practice after making an appointment by telephone (01 7105532).
- All not absolutely necessary consultations are postponed.
- Sick leave certificates can now be issued via a telephone call to the practice.
- Prescriptions can also be issued per request per telephone or email and electronically sent to a pharmacy.
- Home visits are currently not possible.
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju. Uprkos otezanim uvjetima rada, cinimo sve sto je u nasoj moci da odrzimo primarnu zdravstvenu zastitu.
- Posjete ordinaciji bez telefonske najave više nisu moguće. Tel. 01 7105532
- Sve medicinske usluge koje nisu hitno potrebne do daljnjega ne pružamo.
- Bolovanja se do daljnjega mogu zatražti i dobiti putem telefona.
- Recepti se takodjer mogu zatražiti putem telefona ili emaila i lijekovi podignuti direktno u apoteci.
- Kućne posjete trenutno nisu moguće.
Liebe Patienten,
wir müssen die Ordination für alle persönliche Konsultationen schliessen. Per Email oder Telefon können Sie uns immer noch erreichen.
Dear Patients,
we have to close the practice for all personal consultations. You can still reach us per email or telephone.
Postovani pacijenti,
moramo zatvoriti ordinaciju za sve osobne kontakte. Dostupni smo jos putem emaila ili telefona.
wir müssen die Ordination für alle persönliche Konsultationen schliessen. Per Email oder Telefon können Sie uns immer noch erreichen.
Dear Patients,
we have to close the practice for all personal consultations. You can still reach us per email or telephone.
Postovani pacijenti,
moramo zatvoriti ordinaciju za sve osobne kontakte. Dostupni smo jos putem emaila ili telefona.
Liebe Patienten,
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit.
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju.
um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verlangsamen, und die Risikogruppen zu schützen, sowie die weitere Öffnung unserer Ordination zu gewähren, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis und Mitarbeit.
- Ab sofort können Sie nur nach telefonischer Voranmeldung die Ordination besuchen (01 7105532).
- Alle nicht absolut notwendige medizinische Leistungen, wie z.B. Vorsorgeuntersuchungen, Impfungen, Befundbesprechungen, Beratungen, Kuranträge, Atteste, und ähnliches werden vorübergehend nicht durchgeführt.
- Krankmeldungen werden telefonisch durchgeführt.
- Medikamente: für die Dauer der Pandemie können Medikamentenverordnungen auch nach telefonischer Kontaktaufnahme erfolgen. Die Abholung in der Apotheke erfordert nicht mehr unbedingt ein Papierrezept. Die Medikamente können in den Apotheken auch an andere Personen, sofern sie Namen und die SV-Nummer des Patienten/der Patientin kennen, abgegeben werden.
- Hausbesuche sind derzeit auch nicht möglich.
Dear patients,
to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable groups, and to ensure the functioning of our practice we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.
- With immediate effect you can only visit the practice after making an appointment by telephone (01 7105532).
- All not absolutely necessary medical services (e.g. regular health checks, vaccinations, sharing test results etc.) are cancelled.
- Sick leave certificates can now be issued via a telephone call to the practice.
- Prescriptions can also be issued per request per telephone or email and electronically sent to a pharmacy.
- Home visits are currently not possible.
Poštovani pacijenti,
kako bismo pomogli usporiti širenje korona virusa, zaštitili rizične skupine i osigurali funkcioniranje ordinacije, molimo Vas za razumijevanje i suradnju.
- Posjete ordinaciji bez telefonske najave više nisu moguće. Tel. 01 7105532
- Sve medicinske usluge koje nisu hitno potrebne (npr. preventivni pregledi, cijepljenja, pojašnjavanje nalaza i slično) do daljnjega ne pružamo.
- Bolovanja se do daljnjega mogu zatražti i dobiti putem telefona.
- Recepti se takodjer mogu zatražiti putem telefona ili emaila i lijekovi podignuti direktno u apoteci.
- Kućne posjete trenutno nisu moguće.
Krankmeldung vorübergehend auch telefonisch möglich; Rezepte bitte per Email bestellen.
To reduce the transmission of coronavirus, sick leave is now possible without visiting the practice. Please request your prescriptions per email.
Tijekom epidemije corona virusa moguce je dobiti bolovanje bez dolaska u ordinaciju; molimo da nazovete. Recepte zatrazite putem emaila. 😷#hausarztwienmitte
To reduce the transmission of coronavirus, sick leave is now possible without visiting the practice. Please request your prescriptions per email.
Tijekom epidemije corona virusa moguce je dobiti bolovanje bez dolaska u ordinaciju; molimo da nazovete. Recepte zatrazite putem emaila. 😷#hausarztwienmitte
Situation in Austria
The number of confirmed corona virus infections in Austria is continuing to rise.
Transmission and symptoms
The disease is transmitted via droplets that spread in the air while coughing, sneezing or speaking,. Virus can survive on surfaces for several hours. Symptoms are similar to those of a flu: fever, coughing, and in more severe cases, shortness of breath and difficulties breathing.
Around 80% of infections cause a mild disease. Complications, such as pneumonia are more likely to occur in older individuals, those with underlying medical conditions and weakened immune system.
Vaccination, therapy, prevention
Currently there is no effective vaccine or therapy available. Treatment is limited to the treatment of symptoms (e.g. fever). Prevention strategies include:
What to do if you suspect that you have a corona virus infection?
Individuals who were in close contact with someone who has a lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection, as well as those experiencing fever and/or respiratory symptoms after staying in a risk area (risk areas: here you can find the updates) within past 14 days, should stay at home and call 1450. After initial assessment on the telephone, if corona virus infection is suspected, mobile medical teams working 24/7 will visit you, take swabs for testing and provide necessary assistance.
For more information:
Situation in Austria
The number of confirmed corona virus infections in Austria is continuing to rise.
Transmission and symptoms
The disease is transmitted via droplets that spread in the air while coughing, sneezing or speaking,. Virus can survive on surfaces for several hours. Symptoms are similar to those of a flu: fever, coughing, and in more severe cases, shortness of breath and difficulties breathing.
Around 80% of infections cause a mild disease. Complications, such as pneumonia are more likely to occur in older individuals, those with underlying medical conditions and weakened immune system.
Vaccination, therapy, prevention
Currently there is no effective vaccine or therapy available. Treatment is limited to the treatment of symptoms (e.g. fever). Prevention strategies include:
- Avoid close contact with sick individuals,
- Wash hands carefully and frequently and use alcohol-based disinfectants from the pharmacy (e.g. Sterilium), especially after shaking hands, touching surfaces in public spaces (supermarkets trolleys, door handles, holding bars in public transport vehicles etc.)
- Simple surgical masks are valuable when worn by those who cough and sneeze to protect healthy people from droplet infection. However, if you are healthy, wearing a surgical mask may not give you a good protection from corona virus infection.
What to do if you suspect that you have a corona virus infection?
Individuals who were in close contact with someone who has a lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection, as well as those experiencing fever and/or respiratory symptoms after staying in a risk area (risk areas: here you can find the updates) within past 14 days, should stay at home and call 1450. After initial assessment on the telephone, if corona virus infection is suspected, mobile medical teams working 24/7 will visit you, take swabs for testing and provide necessary assistance.
For more information:
Oktober ist Brustkrebsmonat. In Solidarität mit allen Betroffenen, und als Erinnerung an die Wichtigkeit der Früherkennung.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For solidarity with those currently battling breast cancer and as a reminder of the importance of early detection.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For solidarity with those currently battling breast cancer and as a reminder of the importance of early detection.